Friday, April 19, 2013

Hospitalized Again...

Mike and I took our first trip away from the kids the week of Noah's Spring Break.  We went to Las Vegas with my mom and my sister.  While we were gone, Kyli stopped eating pretty much all together...I didn't really think anything of it other than, she probably just missed us.  Well, we got home and two days later, she started vomiting, sugars dropped and ketones were high...I tried to manage it and an hour later she threw up all the water I gave her and then some, sugars dropped to 47 and ketones were 4.7. To Children's Hospital ER we went...And there we stayed for three days. 

Our hospitalization was for a "Hypoglycemic Diabetic." This is irony as its best. They were pumping sugar into Kyli and we were lucky to get her sugars to be close to 100. We spent a night in the PICU.  It was awful. Kyli had 2 IVs and then had 3 blood draws from her feet.  We are still scarred. Me, probably for life.  After the 2 IVs and 3 blood draws, I was holding Kyli to comfort her. I had tucked her into my arms and covered her with a blanket, she said while crying "Hide me Mommy."  Yeah, I cried.  So sad. I hope to never hear that come out of her mouth again.  Kyli was pumped full of sugar steadily for two days...she needed it.  Finally, I asked them to take her off of it so we could see how she did.  Well she dropped consistently for 6 hours and then her body finally started to take care of itself.  Thank Goodness!

The third day, they freed us and guess was EASTER!!! Does anyone else find it odd that our first hospitalization we were released on Christmas and our second was Easter?  Only thing I have to say, is that I wish the hospital had blow dryers!

Once again I will say it though, I am so thankful to have Children's Hospital so close to us! For those that don't understand the dangers, Kyli's numbers were very low.  To the point that they were concerned she would lose consciousness and that her body may start to shut down...Scared, yes I was especially when she fell asleep on the way to the ER.

Here is hoping we will not go through this situation again!

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