Saturday, February 16, 2013


Wednesday is the beginning of a HUGE change for my family. Mike and I have made the decision that I am needed at home.  We looked at our life and where I was needed versus what we think we need.  With Kyli's diagnosis and her ever changing sugars, we decided that Kyli needs me to be home so that I can be her primary caretaker, rather than the 3 she has now.  I am so excited! I was able to be a SAHM with Noah until he was about 3.  I loved almost every minute of it. I had to go to work when Kyli was 4 months, so we are going to have some catching up to do.

The last appointment Kyli had, her carb ratio changed and it now means that Kyli needs around 2-3 shots a day.  Being that she is three years old, it is not always the easiest feat. Plus, she seems to do best getting her shots from me.  The biggest concern I have right now is that Kyli is still in her honeymoon period,meaning her pancreas is still working, but slowly dying.  Also meaning, that we have to watch Kyli closely to ensure that her insulin doses are where she needs them to be and not to little.  The insulin we give her right now ensures that her pancreas does not have to work as hard allowing it to live longer and keeping Kyli "healthier" longer. 

I have recently acquired a pen pal who has a daughter close to Kyli's age that also has diabetes.  She has been awesome and also introduced me to a FB page that is called "Diapers and Diabetes." This group is amazing, very supportive and we are able to talk about the concerns that we have for younger children and the battles we experience with them.  They will also be very useful when it is time for us to get a pump. I know that FB has a bad rep for some, but this group is going to help me through and helps me get through some of that sad times. They also have given me some great ideas and resources that I didn't have before them. 

We survived a double ear infection that came with a head cold and serious fever.  No ketones, no high blood sugars, and overall a happy baby.  How? I have no clue, but I want to add that Noah had the same thing all week.  I think as a Diabetes Mommy, I figure that Kyli's illness will mean that colds, flus, and other bugs will hit her harder.  This week was an eye opener, it doesn't have to be that way. While, I still have to monitor her health more closely, Noah had the exact same thing with the same symptoms and ear infections for the exact same amount of time as Kyli.  It was a nice smack in the face reminding me that she will live as normally as we can let her. Not everything is because of her diabetes. Some bugs just last longer than others.

Let our new healthier adventure begin!!

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